Claude 3.5 Sonnet 是由大模型公司 Anthropic 发布的 Claude 3.5 系列中的第一个版本,现已成为Claude系列中最强大的大语言模型之一。与ChatGPT相比,Claude 3.5 Sonnet 在文字创作和代码编写上具有显著优势,同时还推出了Artifacts功能,能够在右侧显示实时代码效果预览。目前,我已经将Claude 3.5 Sonnet作为我的主要AI工具。
如果你还没有Claude帐号,可以参考这篇注册Claude 3.5 Sonnet详细教程进行注册使用。
升级至Claude Pro
使用普通Claude帐号时,Claude 3.5 Sonnet会受到次数限制。如果希望享受更全面的功能,建议升级至Claude Pro。与ChatGPT类似,升级Claude Pro需要一张国外银行卡。
如果你没有国外信用卡,可以使用野卡 | 一分钟注册,轻松订阅海外线上服务来解决。
此外,你还可以参考订阅升级Claude Pro教程一步步完成Claude Pro的订阅。
“Your account has been disabled after an automatic review of your recent activities. Please review our Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy for more information.”
- 点击Acceptable Use Policy链接。
- 按照页面提示编辑申诉邮件,以下是我的申诉邮件模板,供参考:
Dear anthropic,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and appeal the unwarranted suspension of my account. My account, which holds personal and important information, was recently suspended without any prior notification or explanation.
I understand that you might have to suspend accounts for various reasons, such as security breaches or violations of terms and conditions. However, in my case, I have not been informed of any such issues. It is therefore my sincere request that you review my account and provide a detailed explanation for the suspension.
I would also appreciate it if you could reinstate my account immediately, as it holds crucial personal information and I am unable to access it at this moment. I assure you that I will continue to abide by all the terms and conditions of your platform and make every effort to ensure that my account remains secure.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving a prompt and satisfactory response from your team.
Claude 3.5 Sonnet 强大的功能令人印象深刻,但同时也容易遭遇封号问题。很多情况下,用户的帐号可能只是被误封。如果你也遇到类似问题,可以尝试本文提供的解封方法,希望你能成功恢复帐号并继续使用Claude的强大功能。